December 18: Esther
Traditional Ornament: Scepter or Crown
Reading: Esther 4
“Who knows – perhaps it was for a time like this that you became Queen?” (Esther 4:14)
The setting for Esther’s story involves a king (Ahasuerus) who was weak and controlled by one of his high-ranking officials (Haman), a Jew named Mordecai, who was foster father to the young and beautiful Esther who had been chosen to be queen. Because Mordecai refused to bow and honor him, Haman persuades the king to issue a decree that basically calls for the death of all Jews.
In today’s reading, Esther realizes that she is in a position to help, but she must risk her own life in order to save the lives of many. Mordecai’s reply to her that, “Who knows – perhaps it was for a time like this that you became queen?” (Esther 4:14) are words that have relevance for each of us. The words are especially relevant to lawmakers and public officials who make decisions on matters that have far-reaching effects such as the right to life and marriage. The words also have relevance for each of us, regardless of whether we are in a position of authority or not. We have to ask ourselves -what is God asking of me today, in my position, to advance His Kingdom and will I have the courage and trust in God to respond as Esther did saying, “If I perish, I perish?” (Esther 4”16)
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