December 17: Daniel
Traditional Ornament: Lion
Reading: Daniel 6
“A savior and deliverer, working signs and wonders in heaven on earth, who saved Daniel from the lions’ power.” (Daniel 6:28)
Today’s reading comes from the time of Babylonian captivity. Daniel was among the Israelites brought to Babylon to serve in the king’s court. During the exile, Daniel found favor with the king. A group of officials, who had tried to find some fault with Daniel, approached King Darius to enact a royal decree that “for thirty days, whoever makes a petition to anyone, divine or human, except to you, O king, shall be thrown into a den of lions.” (Daniel 6:8)
It had been Daniel’s practice to pray in his home three times a day, giving thanks to God, and he continued this practice despite the king’s decree. Knowing this, the officials brought Daniel before the king, reminding him of the decree that he had enacted. Although the king sought to find a way to save Daniel, there was no legal remedy, so he handed Daniel over to be cast into the lions’ den and “to Daniel he said, ‘Your God, whom you serve so constantly, must save you.’” (Daniel 6:17)
The next morning Darius rose early and ran to the lions’ den and called out to Daniel, hoping that the Lord had saved him. Daniel responded from within the sealed pit, “My God sent his angel and closed the lions’ mouths so that they have not hurt me. For I have been found innocent before him; neither have I done you any harm, O king.” (Daniel 6:23)
We recall Daniel’s story during Advent because he foreshadows Jesus. Daniel was a descendant of Judah, just as Jesus was. Also like Jesus, Daniel was innocent. He escaped certain death in the lions’ den and Jesus defeated death through the Resurrection. Daniel’s faith in God had saved him, and this was not lost on the king who proclaimed, “the God of Daniel is to be reverenced and feared: For he is the living God, enduring forever, whose kingdom shall not be destroyed, whose dominion shall be without end.” (Daniel 6:27)
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