December 11: Joshua
Traditional Ornament: Ram’s Horn / City Walls
Reading: Joshua 5: 13 – 6: 27
“The wall collapsed, and the people attacked the city straight ahead and took it.” (Joshua 6: 20)
After Moses’ death, God chose Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land. God promised to be with Joshua and that He would never forsake him. After crossing the Jordan River, the Israelites camped outside of the city of Jericho, which was to be the first city conquered in the promised land. God instructs Joshua to have the armed troops march once around the city for six days with seven priests carrying rams’ horns in front of the ark of the covenant. Then God said, “On the seventh day march around the city seven times, and have the priests blow the horns.” (Joshua 6:4) On the last blast of the horns, all the people will shout and the city walls will collapse allowing the troops to attack the city.
This isn’t the first time we see God tell someone to do something that sounds a little crazy. Could we really blame Joshua if he said, “You want us to do what?” But Joshua, like Noah and Abraham before him, was a model of faithfulness and trusted God enough to follow his instructions without question or doubt. Not only was Joshua faithful, but he must have had unparalleled leadership skills, because he was able to convince his troops to carry out this crazy-sounding mission.
Also important in Joshua’s story is the faithfulness of God. Although we may waiver and are unfaithful, God always keeps His promises. Through Joshua, God kept His word to bring the Israelites to live in the land He had promised them.
© 2017 Catechist’s Aide
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