December 04: The Flood
Traditional Ornament: Ark
Reading: Genesis 6: 5 – 9: 17
“I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” (Genesis 9:13)
It’s difficult to read about the wickedness of the world during Noah’s time. It’s even harder to read about God’s regret in making man. Looking out over His once perfect creation and seeing the moral wasteland that it had become, can we really blame Him?
Even though we don’t know a lot about Noah, we know what is most important. God found him to be a righteous and faith-filled man. He obeyed God’s command to build the ark and save his family and the animals. He put his trust in God alone, and was not concerned with what anyone else may have thought. In our own lives, we may be tempted to hide our faith, or forego doing the right thing, if we think that others will laught at us. Sometimes it may feel safer to just go along with the crowd. We have to ask ourselves, who are we trying to please? Whose approval do we seek?
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